Covilhã Airport

Covilhã - Portugal

Transport | Airports | Studies Projects and Technical Assistance

Covilhã Airport

Client: Covilhã County Council

Period: 2008 - 2010


The new Covilhã Airport (ICAO reference 4C), aimed to attract national and international air traffic, serving general and regional commercial, passenger and cargo aviation, in the form of low to medium-sized aircraft (up to 120 seats and up to 45 tonnes (101,000 pounds) of TMW – Maximum Take-Off Weight). The project included the construction of a new 1.2 km runway and airport operation support buildings.

Project value: —

Scope of services: Master Plan, Base Program and Development Plan, Preliminary Study including Environmental Impact Assessment Study, Modeling and Economic and Financial Feasibility Analysis for the project, Pre-Marketing Plan, Noise Assessment Study and Framework for Urban Planning (including guidelines based on rules, key issues, threats, and potential less-than-good consequences), Preliminary Draft.