Beira Interior Highway (A23)
Guarda - Portugal
Beira Interior Highway (A23)
Client: SCUTVIAS – Autoestradas da Beira Interior, SA
Period: 2000 - 2004
Description:The contract for the Beira Interior SCUT Concession – North Front (Alcaria – Guarda), referred to a section of the IP2, with motorway characteristics and SCUT-type virtual tolls, with 2×2 lanes, on the Alcaria / Teixoso / Belmonte / Benespeira / Guarda section, 53 km long and with a further 29 km of roads connecting the existing road network. The section included the construction of three tunnels, namely the 1615 m long Gardunha Tunnel.
Project value: € 320 526 004
Scope of services: Construction supervision comprising activities related to General Coordination, Planning Control, Quality Control, Quantities and Costs Control, Health and Safety at Work Control.