“Best and Greatest Works 2024” Award for the Construction of Line 2 – Green of the São Paulo Metro

“Best and Greatest Works 2024” Award for the Construction of Line 2 – Green of the São Paulo Metro

Another milestone in engineering and mobility!
The expansion of São Paulo Metro’s Line 2 – Green was recognized as one of the “Best and Largest Projects of 2024” by the National Institute of Engineering. A total of 27 completed and ongoing projects from across the country were in competition.

This 8.3 km project, featuring eight new stations, will directly benefit over 300.000 people while improving passenger flow across the transport network. Notably, the Anália Franco sustainable station stands out, making this one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America.

CONSULGAL is very proud to contribute to this project, which will be remembered as a milestone in Engineering and Construction history.
Congratulations to all who played a role in its success!

🔗 Read more: https://www.metro.sp.gov.br/2024/08/30/expansao-da-linha-2-verde-do-metro-ganha-premio-melhores-e-maiores-obras-2024-do-instituto-nacional-de-engenharia/