Meia Serra Urban Solid Waste Treatment and Incineration Plant

Madeira - Portugal

Environment | Solid Waste Collection and Treatment Systems | Project Management and Works Supervision

Meia Serra Urban Solid Waste Treatment and Incineration Plant

Client: Valor Ambiente, S.A.

Period: 03/1999 – 03/2009


The project consisted of a vast set of expansion, remodeling and requalification works for the implementation of a new, more technologically advanced, solid waste treatment plant at the site of the existing one. The works included the construction of a new Urban Solid Waste Incineration Facility (IIRSU) consisting of two lines with a treatment capacity of 8 ton/h each, the construction of a new Hospital and Slaughterhouse Waste Incineration Facility (IIRHM) with capacity of 100 kg/h and operating temperature of 1,100º C, remodeling and expansion of the Urban Solid Waste Composting Facility (ICRSU) for the organic recovery of garden and food waste of plant origin, remodeling of the WWTP for tertiary treatment and a flow of 6 to 8 m3/h, execution of the 2nd Phase of the sanitary landfill with a volume of 255 000 m3.

Project value: € 118 295 179

Scope of services: Construction Works Management and Supervision.