Piura Airport

Piura - Peru

Transport | Airports | Project Management and Works Supervision

Piura Airport

Client: OSITRAN - Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público

Period: 2023 - 2025


The ‘Improvement of the Piura Airport Runway System and Perimeter Fencing’ project, carried out by the Piura Airport Concessionaire, aims to improve the runway system and perimeter fencing at Piura airport, with the aim of restoring the geometric and structural characteristics so that air operations can be carried out in suitable and safe conditions.

Piura Airport is currently one of the most important airports in terms of traffic volume and passenger flow in the north of the country. In this sense, the aim is to significantly improve the airside conditions of the airport, identifying the needs and deficiencies of the pavements in order to carry out the necessary interventions and comply with the standards set by national (DGAC) and international civil aviation organisations (ICAO) and the FAA.

Contract value:€ 39 919 480

Scope of services: Works supervision service to improve the runway system and perimeter fencing at Piura Airport.