Port of Nacala

Nacala - Mozambique

Transport | Ports and Marine Construction | Project Management and Works Supervision

Port of Nacala

Client: VALE Logística África

Period: 2012 – 2016


The new Nacala Port is located 20 km from Nacala town, at Namuaxi Point on the eastern shore of Nacala Bay, Nampula Province. It was built as part of the Nacala Corridor Project (NCP) to become the export port for the coal extracted from the Moatize mines, 800 km further inland, capable of handling and storing 18 Mton of coal per year. The construction project included a 29 km long access railway branch line, on shore coal stockyard, with all material handling equipment, supporting buildings and utilities networks, off shore works, covering jetty, Quay (dolphins, mooring systems, associated services and utilities), sea navigation and piloting system. The total footprint area was 152 838 m2.

Project value: € 980 000 000

Scope of services: Engineering consultancy to support the Client’s Team (OT) with the development of all the activities necessary for the NCP-Port implementation management, including implementation strategy, logistics, planning and financial control, information system, quality, health and safety, engineering, among other, and construction works supervision of all infrastructures under the scope of the NCP-Port.