Sattelite- Based remote Multiproject Reporting and Controlling in Construction Industry
Sattelite- Based remote Multiproject Reporting and Controlling in Construction Industry
The project’s objective was to allow efficient information sharing between members of a team, at any time and in any place, overcoming restrictions imposed by time and distance, allowing European construction companies, including Small and Medium Enterprises, to increase their competitiveness on the global market, through the implementation of innovative solutions for information access. These solutions would allow linking heterogeneous work places, through the use of Internet protocols, using satellite links as “service provider” and an information base configured through the integration of existing applications for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), PM (Project Management) and HAPC (Horizontal Actions Planning and Control) solutions.
CONSULGAL participated in the project as part of a 5 companies consortium from 3 countries, as end user. The case-study developed by CONSULGAL consisted of setting up two teams: a team of project managers at the head-office and another team of project managers at a work site.
As the head office team maintained the information base, the team at the work site would have the possibility to update that information base with the purpose of preparing reports, communicating between themselves through Internet protocols and satellite links.
Additionally, other organizations were involved (clients, suppliers, subcontractors) and were provided with an interface, allowing to visualize and access information subgroups (progress reports, cost estimations, etc.)
Period: 2000 – 2002