ZDMP plenary meeting organized by Consulgal

Today we mark the end of the plenary meeting of our innovation project ZDMP – Zero Defects Manufacturing Platform, which took place at Parque das Nações, in Lisbon, from the 14th to the 16th of June, and which Consulgal had the privilege of organizing.
This was also the last meeting, as the project will end on the 30th of this month, although it is still necessary to hold the final review meeting with the European Commission appointed jury.
It was 4 years of exchanging ideas, innovation, advances, some setbacks and very relevant results for European industry and, in particular Construction, which the corresponding pilot was led by Consulgal.
Thanks to our partners and friends in the UK, Spain, Germany, Finland, Austria, Italy, Romania, Czechia and, of course, Portugal, for 4 years of inspiration, which allowed us to open new paths for innovation in Construction, positioning ourselves as one of the driving forces of our industry.
We can hardly wait for further achievements!

Excelente adesão à workshop de Inovação na Construção, com apresentações de grande relevância para o nosso sector. 

Obrigado a Sofia Azevedo, Nuno Manarte, Ricardo Gonçalves, João Moutinho, Manuel Parente e Stuart Campbell pela sua disponibilidade e empenho na preparação das suas alocações que conquistaram o interesse e a atenção de todos..