Virtual Factory Operatin System
Virtual Factory Operatin System
The vf-OS project, an acronym for Virtual Factory Operating System, funded by the European Union’s Program ‘Horizon 2020’, was formally launched on October 2016. The project’s purpose was to develop an open Operating System for Virtual Factories, including a Virtual Factories System Kernel (vf-SK), an Interface for Virtual Factory Applications Programming (vf-API) and Virtual Factories Middleware (vf-MW), specifically designed for the factory of the future.
The project’s final result was an open use kit for applications development (vf-OAK) and for Manufacturing Smart Apps implementation meant for the industrial users. This kit was made available through a Manufacturing Apps Store (vf-mApp) in a Virtual Factory Platform (vf-P). Thus, similarly to the use of Google Play Store or the AppStore to get Android or iOS applications, it will be possible to access the vf-mAPP to get applications specifically designed for manufacturing industry.
CONSULGAL participated in vf-OS integrated in a consortium of 14 companies from 7 countries (Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany and Lithuania), as the demonstrator of the Operating System’s utilization in the construction/works supervision field.
Period: 2016 – 2019